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God will provide all our needs. We believe the primary conduit of this provision is the financial support of those who believe great things are possible through God's local church in Silicon Valley. No guilt. No pressure. Give freely. Give as the Lord leads and to the degree He has given to you. 


We all know that we can do so much more together than individually, so our pooled resources help support God's work throughout the area, inside the church walls, and well into the streets of Santa Clara, San Jose, the Bay and beyond to the ends of the earth. We want to partner regularly with you and organizations doing good in our city and throughout the world.


SVCA honors your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Silicon Valley Christian Assembly will be beyond reproach.


We practice high standards of biblical accountability through board governance and proper use of charitable resources. For any questions about our financial practices, just ask. 

7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8


For questions about offerings or if you need to transfer currencies other than USD, please feel free to contact the church office at +1 (408) 988-1888 or email We accept the following methods for offerings:


Make a fast, convenient and secure online donation. Through BREEZE, you can make a one time gift or set up recurring giving. 


Note that for "Online Giving," the church incurs a 3-4% transaction fee for credit/debit cards and a 1% transaction fee for bank account ACH.

Local brothers and sisters are encouraged to use bank transfers or checks when possible.


Place your offering in the designated collection box on site. Envelopes are provided for you to direct where your offering should be applied.

Please make checks payable to:

“Silicon Valley Christian Assembly” or “S.V.C.A.


Make checks payable to Silicon Valley Christian Assembly and indicate the fund category. Mail to:
Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
3131 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95054


You can give by using your bank’s online bill payment service. This is a great way to make automatic recurring gifts. Your bank will send the payment directly to SVCA, and we will record it as if you had written a check. Please list “SVCA” as the payee, specify your name as the account, and use the following address for the payee:


Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

3131 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95054

Allow 24 to48 hours for the transaction to reflect in your giving record after we receive the check.


Text the amount you wish to give to +1 (408) 461-3136 and follow the instructions to complete your offering to the church’s “General Fund.” To give to specific funds, text the amount + fund keyword (click here for fund keywords) to the same number and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.


Wire Transfer Information:

  • ABA#: 121000358

  • Account#: 325084527488

  • Account Name: Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

  • Bank Name: Bank of America

  • Bank Address: 20563 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA

  • Swift Code: BOFAUS3N (for USD); BOFAUS6S (for other currencies)


For stock donations, transfer them directly to the following account and inform us at of the stock details (company, number of shares, and transfer date). Please also provide your name, address, and phone number for the donation receipt.


Silicon Valley Christian Assembly Stock Account:

  • Charles Schwab: Acct#: 50348242

  • DTC#: 0164 Code#: 40


Image by Jan Canty


CTC's mission is to strengthen and equip church leaders both locally and internationally. They achieve this by offering leadership training, Bible truth courses, and church management classes, all aimed at preparing individuals to serve effectively in God's kingdom. Their goal is to build up disciples of Christ so there will be more vessels and healthy churches everywhere. 

Planting Seeds


Seth is a faith-based ministry initiated by founding pastors with echoes from many brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. Seth provides students with a Christian education within a spiritual, loving, nurturing environment. Our mission is to raise future leaders of God’s Kingdom with a Biblical worldview, by fostering Christian faith, Christ-like character, creativity, knowledge, and wisdom in every area of learning. For questions, contact

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